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Monday, July 5, 2010

Unsimulated Sex Scene in The Movie

Yesterday I spent my mundane Sunday afternoon watching 9 Songs, a 2004 British movie that rock the world with its controversial unsimulated and graphic sex scene between two leads and only actors of the movie. Though the movie might be obscene for certain community, but it carry a very meaningful relationship of 2 people but yet the way they interpret it is simple and beautiful.
The film tells the modern love story set over a period of 12 months in London,of a young couple: Matt, a British climatologist, and Lisa, an exchanged student from America. The story is framed in a personal review from Matt's perspective when he is working in Antarctica. Their main common interest is a passion for live music and they frequently attend rock concerts together; the film depicts the couple, or Matt alone, watching nine songs at Brixton Academy and other concert venues. And between the nice concerts they shows how these couples interact and making love to each other. This film is baned in certain country for it sexually explicit contents but then released with R rated. However, regardless of all the commotion they make about this movie, it is a trully an art and simple movie that worth to be watched.

(Source: Google & Wikipedia)

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